Thursday, February 6, 2025

Rotary Hears Update from Hospital CEO

At the February 3rd De Queen Rotary Club meeting at Micah 6:8, the club heard a promising progress report from Stacy Dowdy (left), the C.E.O. at Sevier County Medical Center which opened its doors on January 23, 2023.  This past year, the local hospital served a total 5,627 patients in the E.R., 429 Inpatients, and 320 Observation patients.  While the numbers were a slight decline in the E.R. and in the Observation areas compared to the year before, the number of Inpatients increased by a whopping 64%.  Dowdy reported that Sevier County Medical Center had a total of 15,283 encounters in 2024, which is an increase of 85% utilization.  The local facility saw a big 63% increase in the Outpatient Therapy Department due to the needs and demands of therapy services in our community.   Another area that has helped the hospital financially is the implementation of the Swing Bed Program.  It’s for individuals that need a little more care and therapy services to ensure they are strong enough to go home.  Typically, Swing Bed patients stay an additional 7-14 days, and can stay up to 21 days.  Dowdy was excited to announce that the hospital employed its first provider, Dr. Jeffrey Hamby, on February 1st.    The hospital C.E.O. shared with Rotarians several goals for 2025.  They include: employing our own providers, growing the Therapy Department, and growing the Swing Bed program.  Dowdy also hopes to open the west wing for patients in 2025.  The current census is five-to-seven patients per day.   There are seven rooms on one wing and eight rooms on the other.  Adding Dr. Hamby should mean opening that second wing.  Another goal for the coming year is to achieve a Level Four trauma center designation meaning extra funds for the E.R.  Finally, Dowdy will continue to hone and craft processes in the Revenue Department to ensure that the hospital is capturing all costs and reimbursements that are possible.  The local hospital currently has 88 full-time employees.  Once a 501C3 status is obtained, it will allow the hospital to apply for more grants.  For more information on how you can help your local hospital, contact a member of the Sevier County Medical Center Foundation, which is actively raising funds to help purchase needed health-related equipment.  Dowdy was introduced by Rotarian Veronica Ozura (right).

De Queen Lake Trail Described for Rotary

At the January 27th De Queen Rotary Club meeting at Micah 6:8, the club heard an update from Friends of De Queen Lake Trail Committee representative Lorena Branson.  The trail project at Pine Ridge was launched in 2019 when Dr. Jason Lofton applied for a Trail Accelerator Grant to help fund an International Mountain Bike Association design for a 40-mile route.  In 2022, the newly-formed De Queen Lake Trail Committee entered into a Challenge Partnership with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.  Afterward, the Committee partnered with the FRIENDS organization’s 501C-3 designation to apply for more grants to help meet local recreation and tourism goals.  Grants have been received through Weyerhaeuser, Walmart, and an Enterprise Grant through De Queen Auto Group.  Sevier County assisted the Committee with applying for an 80/20 matching Trails for Life Grant through ARDOT for $200,000.  Branson said that the Committee recently received verbal approval for NEPA clearance in the two required areas of cultural and environmental that are needed for the ARDOT funding. Once the NEPA approval is received in writing, it will immediately be forwarded to ARDOT. The Committee can then advertise for construction with a trail building company to retread and widen the trail to at least 36 inches, clear corridors, build three boardwalks across creeks, and install signposts and kiosks for maps.  A grant through the Department of Heritage, Parks, and Tourism, also with the assistance of Sevier County, for $8,333 will be used to purchase three benches, three bike racks, and a bike repair station to be installed this spring at trailheads.  It is hoped that the 4.6-mile phase one of the trail project will officially open to the public this fall.  Branson believes that future trail plans will have a positive impact on tourism for our area.  There’s a figure eight area in phase one that will be ideal for children to practice their biking skills. Plans are to expand, connect, and develop more miles of trail near the Oak Grove campground.  Lorena foresees the trails being used for guided nature hikes, fun trail runs, mountain bike races, and even a trail of Christmas holiday lights that can stand alone or be conducted in conjunction with other local festivals and events.  The next meeting of the trail committee will be February 18th at 5:30 at the Weyerhaeuser Timberlands office and it’s open to anyone interested in the trail project at De Queen Lake.  Pictured with Lorena (left) is Sandra Jackson (right).

Local Accountant Details '25 Taxes at Rotary

At the January 20th De Queen Rotary Club meeting at Micah 6:8, the club heard a 2025 tax update from Fernando Balderas, owner of Southwest Arkansas Accounting Services in De Queen.  All eyes are on the new Donald Trump Administration. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 was passed under the first Trump term.  This Act is set to expire on December 31, 2025 with a sunset clause.  Speculation is that the Trump team may extend this law which has proven helpful to the business community.  The limit for tax saving purposes on gifting is $19,000 per recipient.  Contributions to Individual Retirement Accounts are limited to $7,000 per year for persons under the age of 50, and $8,000 annually for those over 50.  Like-Kind exchanges did include possibilities for vehicle and machinery purchases where the gains didn’t have to be shown, but that law now pertains primarily to certain exchanges of real property.  Bonus depreciation percentages are declining on an annual basis. The tax code temporarily allowed 100% expensing for business property acquired and placed in service after September 17, 2017 and before January 1, 2023.  That 100% allowance generally decreases by 20% per year in taxable years beginning after 2022 and expires January 1, 2027. Those percentages are 60% in 2024, 40% in 2025, 20% in 2026, and it goes away in 2027.  Balderas reminded Rotarians that the state of Arkansas cut its income tax rate three times last year for individuals and corporations.  Those tax cuts are retroactive to January 1, 2024.  The current Arkansas personal tax rate is 3.9%. The corporate income tax rate in Arkansas is 4.3%.  Fernando and his eight staff members at Southwest Arkansas Accounting Services filed over 1,600 tax returns last year for area businesses and individuals.  Balderas was introduced by Rotary Club president Michael Collins.

Sevier County Housing Authority Awarded Grant

 On December 12th, Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded an Emergency Grant from their 2023 Fiscal funding year in the amount of $2,287,113 to the Housing Authority of the County of Sevier, Arkansas (SCHA) headquartered in De Queen, Arkansas. At the time of the grant submission, SCHA had already contributed over $436,883 in a year’s time towards repairs and has committed another $273,000 utilizing the Capital Fund Program to support the Emergency Grant authorized by HUD.  SCHA serves low income families in the cities of De Queen, Horatio and Lockesburg.  The total project is estimated to cost $11,000,000 to restore the entire facility’s foundation, electrical and plumbing concerns.  The Vandervoort Circle Complex in De Queen will undergo extensive plumbing restoration in the coming two years including new water and sewer line installation.  Also, the complex on Isabell in Horatio will have new wiring installed.  Contractors are needed to get these repairs made ASAP.  Pictured from Left: Jamie Harberson- Smith, Executive Director; Jennifer Bagley, Deputy Director; Michael Collins, Commissioner; Emmy Bailey, Commissioner; Shauna Turner, Accounts Payable/ Receivable; Helga Buenrrostro, Commissioner- Chair; Zahir Kamruddin, Commissioner; Joyce Lipsey- Commissioner- Co-Chair.


The Horatio FFA recently went for a livestock judging competition in Denver.  The competition involves describing four different kinds of livestock and explaining the reasons for their choice.  Pictured left to right are members of the FFA team  that went to Denver which include Olivia Frady, Konnor Bailey, Jake Sawyer, Layla Tallant, and Advisor Nicki Litchford.  These members came in your #1 Country Studios earlier Friday morning, January 17th, to talk about the competition.  

De Queen First Assembly Wild Game Cook-Off

De Queen First Assembly Ironmen Ministries is hosting the 12th Annual Wild Game Cook-Off on Saturday, February 22nd, at 5 pm.  Please bring entries no later than 4:30 pm.  Late entries will not be accepted.  The address for the church is 1440 W. Collin Raye Dr. in De Queen, AR 71832.  Kyle (left) and Mike (right) Willis came in the speak about the event earlier Thursday morning, January 16th.

Rotary Hears from De Queen Basketball Coaches

At the January 13th De Queen Rotary Club meeting at Micah 6:8, the club heard a midseason report on the De Queen basketball programs from Lady Leopards Coach Bret Burgess (right) and Leopards Coach Logan Lindley (left).  Coach Burgess explains that he breaks the season down into four parts: non-conference play, conference play, regional tournament, and the state tournament.  The Lady Leopards excelled in part one, going a perfect 20-0 against a beefed-up non-conference schedule, but Burgess added that the team is now 0-0 as part two of the season begins this week with the De Queen girls facing the three other top teams in the stacked league: Camden Fairview on the 14th, at Nashville on the 15th, and Arkadelphia on the 17th.  All four teams: Camden Fairview, Nashville, Arkadelphia, and De Queen have been ranked in the top ten statewide throughout the season.  Coach Burgess says the girls have been working hard and he’s been pleasantly surprised with how the team has blended together.  Burgess coached at De Queen for ten years.  He took the junior high girls job at Nashville for a few years.  He welcomed the opportunity to return as senior girls coach for the Lady Leopards in his first season back.  Coach Lindley is in his fourth season as the Leopards coach, and it’s his fifth year at De Queen.  One of the team’s goals was to improve upon last year’s win total.  They accomplished that with their seventh win last week over a quality Waldron team.  There are six teams in the 7-4A Conference this year: Hope, Magnolia, Camden Fairview, Nashville, Arkadelphia, and De Queen. The top four finishers in the double round robin schedule, home and away format, will advance to the regional tournament. The site of the regional tournament will be announced on January 16th.  De Queen is one of the schools who has submitted a bid to host regionals.  The De Queen coaches were introduced by Rotarian Greg Revels, who arranged the program.

Rotary Student of the Month

At the January 13th De Queen Rotary Club meeting at Micah 6:8, Cole Binkley was announced as Student of the Month.  Binkley is already enrolled at Lyon College in Batesville for the spring semester.  Coach Phillip Binkley accepted the award on his son’s behalf.  Binkley had a 3.89 grade point average at De Queen. As quarterback for the Leopards, Cole was named all 5A-South Conference from 2022-2024.  He was the 2023 De Queen Offensive Player of the Year, and led the team in touchdowns scored last season.  Binkley placed third in the state in the power lifting competition.  An active member of First Baptist Church, Cole also enjoyed coaching pee-wees in various sports.  With 60 hours of college credit already under his belt, Cole, the son of Phillip and Susan Binkley, plans to play football at Lyon College and plans to pursue a career in teaching and coaching.

New Local Scholarship Established for UA Cossatot Students: The Britt Family Scholarship

UA Cossatot is proud to announce the establishment of a new scholarship, The Britt Family Scholarship.  This generous scholarship, created by Wayne Britt (right), will provide financial assistance to 2 students per academic year, covering full tuition and general fees for the fall and spring semesters.  Students interested in applying for the Britt Family Scholarship can reach out to UA Cossatot Foundation and Advancement Director, Madelyn Jones (left), at or 870-584-1172 for more information about the scholarship application process. 

Rep. DeAnn Vaught Previews Upcoming Legislative Session at Rotary

At the January 6th De Queen Rotary Club meeting at Micah 6:8, the club heard a preview of the upcoming Arkansas Legislative Session from State Representative DeAnn Vaught.  About to begin her sixth two-year term representing District 87, which includes all of Little River County and parts of Sevier and Howard Counties, Representative Vaught says that the Governor’s Office has not yet released an agenda for the session that begins on January 13.  Revenues are down for the state.  Vaught attributed that reduction to three state income tax cuts passed by the General Assembly in 2024, rising inflation costs, and the fact that federal COVID-19 dollars have dried up.  So, she doesn’t anticipate that any additional tax cuts will be passed this session.  If revenues improve, Representative Vaught predicts that the legislature might consider another tax cut this fall.  The last legislative session featured drastic changes to the K-12 education system. Vaught said there might be a few tweaks made in that area in the days ahead, however, she expects most of the attention to be addressed on higher education this time around.  Mental health is another concern of Representative Vaught.  The state needs more beds to serve mental health patients.  Vaught said that prisoners, who can’t be released from mental hospitals because of crimes committed, should receive care inside the state prisons.  In fact, she has requested that there be a section for prisoners with mental health issues included in the proposed 3,000 bed facility to be constructed in Franklin County.  Vaught said that the newly-elected Speaker of the House, Brian Evans of Cabot, won’t announce committee assignments until the first day of the legislative session on January 13.  She believes that she’ll continue to serve on the Education & Public Health Committee as well as the Agriculture Committee.  With her seniority in the House, Representative Vaught could possibly land a prominent role as chairperson of one of the committees.  Representative Vaught says that a number of bills have already been filed for the General Assembly to consider.  A couple of the more interesting bills that have been filed include one that would legalize the purchase of raw milk at Farmers Markets, as well as a bill that would eliminate Daylight Saving Time in Arkansas.  Representative Vaught was introduced by Rotarian Jay Bunyard, who arranged the program.

Rotary Induction Mayor Jeff Brown and Quinn Smith

Quinn Smith (left), representing Bailey Discount Building Supply, and De Queen Mayor Jeff Brown (right) were inducted as new members of the De Queen Rotary Club on Monday, December 16th. Rotarian Greg Revels (center) is their sponsor.  Quinn's Rotary Classification is Retail Sales Professional.  Jeff's Rotary classification is Municipal Government. 

Rotary Night

The De Queen Rotary Club held their Rotary Night at the De Queen Leopard Coliseum on Monday night, December 16th, when the Leopards and Lady Leopards hosted Poyen.  The Club gave away 100 free tickets to the first De Queen Leopard fans that came in attendance.  Pictured is LaTonya McElroy, ZZ Kamruddin, Orville Wayne Smith, Michael Collins, and Jacob Bunyard.

Holiday Health Walk

The Sevier County Medical Foundation held a Holiday Health Walk on Saturday, December 14th, from 1-4.  Participants were able to enjoy hot chocolate and cookies after the event.  There were quite a few walkers/runners from the day as they had a chance to win a ticket for a raffle for every lap they participated.  Participants that registered received a T-shirt.  Pictured left to right: Bruce Jackson, Lorena Branson, Jason Jones, and Patty Sharp. 

Legacy Academy Hosts Heartwarming Homecoming Ceremony

Legacy Academy celebrated its highly anticipated annual Homecoming Ceremony on Friday, December 6th. This year, senior Oaklee Lofton will reign as Homecoming Queen. Joining her on the Homecoming Court were Junior Maid Skyler Alexander, Sophomore Maid Olivia Lofton, and Freshmen Maids Libbie Bartek, Myleigh Fry, Makayea Martinez, and Reagan Ogé.  The Homecoming events were kicked off with the annual LA Bonfire on Thursday night with a full meal served to the school community.  The next day was a school-wide Spirit Day where all students were allowed to skip their normal daily uniform to wear Warrior fan gear for the big Homecoming games that night.  A special highlight of the day was the Mother-Daughter Luncheon, a cherished tradition designed to foster meaningful connections and shared wisdom.  During this heartwarming event, mothers had the opportunity to share heartfelt advice and encouragement with their daughters.  The Homecoming Court was presented during a formal ceremony in the Warrior Gymnasium, setting the stage for an evening of school spirit and competition.  Following the ceremony, the Legacy Academy Warriors and Lady Warriors faced off against the Oden Timberwolves in a thrilling basketball matchup and came away with 2 wins and a loss.  The Lady Warriors continued their reign from the homecoming court to the basketball court defeating the Lady Timberwolves 54-32.  The Senior boys did their part securing a homecoming win with a final score of 76-63 over Oden. 

Bunyard Broadcasting Presents Checks to DQTV and to Two Interns

Bunyard Broadcasting, Inc. Regional Sales Manager Jennifer Higgins presented checks to DQTV and to two student interns on Friday, December 6th, at De Queen High School.  Higgins presented a check for $2,295 to DQTV Interim Instructor Jamie Sharp for the live coverage of the recently completed Leopard football season.  The KDQN team of announcers Jay Bunyard, Greg Revels, and Toney Stowers provide the play-by-play while DQTV students provide the video coverage online and on You Tube through this unique partnership.  It's the first of three $2,295 checks to be awarded by Bunyard Broadcasting to DQTV this school year.  The other checks will be presented after basketball season and after soccer season.  The funds are used to send students to national and statewide video competitions.  Higgins also presented $600 internship checks to DQTV students Altin Kight and Luis Serrano for their work producing the football game broadcasts.  The paid internships are made possible through a program sponsored by the Arkansas Broadcasters Association, of which Bunyard Broadcasting is an active member.  Pictured left to right are Altin Kight, Jamie Sharp, Jennifer Higgins, and Luis Serrano

Rotary Club Student of the Month

At the December 9 De Queen Rotary Club meeting at Micah 6:8, the Club recognized the Presley Parson as the School’s Student of the Month.  Presley  Parson (center) is the daughter of Joseph (right) and Lacey Parson (left), was recognized as the Student of the Month for December.  Presley is an Executive Producer for DQTV, where she has had an opportunity to participate in several competitions.  She competed in the Ozark Media Arts Festival and won second place for her Tree Farm interview.  She also won first place for the Daily Show Opening at the Arkansas Scholastic Press Association Convention in Fayetteville.  Presley is involved in National Honor Society, softball, tennis, power lifting, and archery.  Presley is active in the Church of Christ and participated in a Mission Trip to West Virginia.  After graduation in May, Presley’s future plans are to get her basics at U of A Cossatot, pursue a degree in Nursing at U of A Fayetteville, and then become a Nurse Practitioner.

Rotary Presents $1125 Check to Sevier County Museum

At the December 9th De Queen Rotary Club meeting at Micah 6:8, Club President Michael Collins presented a $1,125 donation to Sevier County Historical Museum Director Karen Mills for the proceeds from the Rotary breakfast at the Hurrah! Festival.  Mills reported that the 34th Annual Festival netted more than $5,000. Mills enlightened the Club with a history of De Queen.  Mills predicts a good year ahead for the popular facility in Herman Dierks Park with a Quilt Show in May, the return of the Mystery Dinner, and the Hurrah! Festival in October.

Rotary Presents $500 to Single Scholarship Fund

At the December 9th De Queen Rotary Club meeting at Micah 6:8, the Club presented a $500 check to the Sevier County Single Parent Scholarship Fund.  Rotarian Erika Buenrrostro accepted a $500 donation on behalf of the Sevier County Single Parent Scholarship Fund and shared an inspirational story about a 16-year-old girl in 2004 who suddenly learned that she was pregnant.  The thought of being a single parent was frightening for a young lady who was active in most everything at school. Thoughts of dropping out of school and needing to get a job raced through her mind.  This 16-year-old successfully applied for a Single Parent Scholarship. She thought how wonderful it was that complete strangers believed in second chances for her.  It gave her the fuel to keep going and to pursue a lifetime of ambition.  This young lady completed her Associates Degree at CCCUA, her Master’s Degree in Fayetteville, and is now pursuing her Doctoral Degree.  That young lady was Erika Buenrrostro.  Pictured left to right is JP Atkins, Jerry Davis, ZZ Kamruddin, Madelyn Jones, Erika Buenrrostro, Jamie Smith, and Rotary President Michael Collins.  

De Queen FFA Bake Sale

The De Queen FFA will host a bake sale Saturday morning, December 7th, from 8 am-12 pm outside of Bailey's.  Proceeds will support the De Queen FFA as they support Angel Tree Foundation first and then whatever is left over to suppor ttheir project will support the chapter.  There will be quite a few goodies left over and payments can be made by donation through checks and cash.  Some of the De Queen FFA students talked about the event at your #1 Country Studios earlier Friday morning, December 7th.  Pictured are Lexi Crow, Kalee Simmons, Katie Williamson, Katy Cooley, and Jake Seymour.

Sevier County Christmas Events

Special Guests Mayor of De Queen Jeff Brown (left), Sevier County Economic Development Director Veronica Ozura (center) and Board Member from Sevier County Chamber of Commerce Fernando Balderas (right) joined us at the KDQN Studios this morning, December 5th, in matching ELF attire, to invite our viewers and listeners to the 4th Annual Mayor’s Tree Lighting Ceremony tomorrow (Friday, December 6th) from 5-6:30pm.  There will be a surprise guest this year to kick off the ceremonies and you won’t want to miss that.  Other topics of discussion included area parades and festivities.  The Christmas parades will be on Saturday, December 7th, starting with Horatio at 1 pm, followed by Lockesburg at 3 pm, and concluding with De Queen at 6 pm 

De Queen Razzle Dazzle

The De Queen Elementary School Razzle Dazzle group stopped by your #1 Country Studios earlier Thursday morning, December 5th, to perform for the station employees on the radio.  Led by Director, Anissa Manasco, Razzle Dazzle is comprised of 5th graders at De Queen Elementary School.  They perform songs and dances.  You can watch their performance live on the radio station Facebook page.

Hochatown's 1st Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony

Special Guest, Carissa Dierksen (left), with Hochatown, Town Hall, visited the KDQN Studios this morning to invite our listeners to the 1st Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony in Hochatown, beside Steven's Gap Restaurant, North US 259 in Hochatown, happening this Saturday, December 7th, beginning at 5 pm.  A live tree donated by Weyerhaeuser kicks off the Christmas season in Hochatown but not before a full line-up of entertainment, special guests and vendors.  For more info visit Hochatown, Oklahoma on Facebook.

Coto is Rotary Cup Recipient

The Rotary Cup has been presented annually to the Most Valuable Senior on the De Queen Leopards football team since 1936.  Past winners of the award represent top students and athletes spanning over nine decades at De Queen High School.  At the Monday December 2nd noon meeting of the club, “The Voice of the Leopards” Jay Bunyard (right) presented the award for the 2024 season to slot receiver/safety Ulyces Coto (left).  He’s the 89th all-time recipient of the Rotary Cup.  Coto led the team in all-purpose yards in 2024 with 1,359.  For his career, he rushed for 1,216 yards and was credited with 2,094 all-purpose yards and nine touchdowns.  Defensively for his career, he was credited with 218 tackles, including a team-leading 103 tackles in his junior season.  Coto was also credited with five tackles for loss, one sack, 33 passes defended, and he had a 40-yard “pick six” on the first series of this year’s Horatio game that propelled the Leopards to a 35-0 victory, snapping a 27-game losing streak and beginning a three-game winning streak.  It was the football program’s first three-game winning streak since the 2009 season.  He was named to the All-5A South Conference second team as sophomore, and first team as a junior, and as a a senior.  Coto also competes for the Leopards in track and baseball.  He’s active in the Spanish Club, and he’s an executive producer for the DQTV sports program.  The son of Miranda Coto, Ulyces plans to go to UA Cossatot after graduation in May, and earn a trade certificate.

Party in the Sticks

Cody Davis came in your #1 Country Studios earlier Wednesday morning, November 27th, to talk about his upcoming concert at the Foreman Fairgrounds.  Party in the Sticks concert will be held on Saturday, November 30th, on 209 South Madden Street from 4-10 pm.  Gates will open at 3:30 pm.  Tickets are $20 for adults, and $10 for ages 12 and under.  Cody Davis, Stormie Leigh, Big Po, Corey Tester, Marli Dean, and Brother Eudy will be performing.  

Light The City Community-Wide Event

Special Guests Reverend Travis McKamie (left) with De Queen First Assembly of God alongside Tonya Wolcott (right), stopped by the KDQN Studios today to tell us about the community-wide youth event happening on December 4th at the CCCUA Amphitheater.  It’s called “Light the City”.  An estimated 300+ youth from area churches will be coming together for praise and worship from 6:30 to 7:30 pm.  Dinner will be provided thanks to a generous donation from Pilgrims Processing Plant in De Queen.