2022 Arkansas 4-H Teen Stars Named
The Sevier County Extension office would like to announce Sevier County’s seven newest Arkansas 4-H Teen Stars. Congratulations to Kyle Williamson, Jake Seymour, Jake Sawyer, Blake Sawyer, Kinlee Stivers, Matthew Maben, and Zae-Lei Frachiseur.
The 2022 Teen Stars were announced last week. Forty-six individuals from across the state were named this year with seven being from Sevier County. The Arkansas 4-H Teen Star Program is a recognition program for outstanding achievement in the areas of 4-H projects and activities, leadership, and community service. The Teen Star program is a gateway to higher levels of leadership within Arkansas 4-H. The Teen Stars become eligible for Ambassador, who then become eligible for State Officership.
2022Sevier CountyArkansas Teen Stars |
4-H District BBQ contest winners announced
Sevier County 4-H recently held the 2022 4-H County BBQ. The top winners have the opportunity to move on to the 4-H District BBQ. From district, the top two seniors chosen move on to the State BBQ, where they will fight for a chance at nationals. On May 5, 2022 the 4-H District BBQ was held in Arkadelphia at the Clark County Fairgrounds.
Not only are youth judged on taste, but they are judged on cleanliness, safety, and preparing the grill. Each youth is required to work alone without help from adults. The Sevier County Extension office would like to say great job to those that participated. The following is the placement for the 2022 District BBQ:
The winners were:
Junior Division:
2nd: Leighton Frachiseur
6th: Maddison Tabler
8th: Reagan Frachiseur
Senior Division:
6th: Kaedon Davis
Dairy Foods & Rice is Nice Contest Announcement
The Sevier County Extension Office would like to announce the 2022 Sevier County Dairy Foods Contest and the 2022 Sevier County Rice is Nice Contest. On March 14, 2022 youth from Sevier County may enter dishes for a chance to win.
For the Dairy Foods Contest, the top 4 winners from Arkansas will be entered into the State Contest. This event is sponsored during June Dairy Month by Arkansas Farm Bureau and the Arkansas Dairy Cooperative Association. The contest is divided into two categories: Main Dish and Party Ideas. Use of pasteurized milk and dairy foods (eggs, margarine, nondairy creamers and nondairy whipped toppings are NOT dairy foods). Look for the “Real” seal on dairy packages. The “Real” seal is your assurance of a real dairy food. Each county may enter one recipe in each of the two categories.
For the Rice is Nice Contest, the top 3 winners from Arkansas will be entered into the State Contest. This event is sponsored during July by Arkansas Farm Bureau Federation. The contest is divided into two categories: Main Dish and Party Ideas. Entrants may use long or medium grain white or brown U.S. grown rice, or U.S. grown aromatic rice. Use of riced vegetables and other rice pretenders will not be accepted.
Students enrolled in 4-H aged 9-19 or in the 4th through 12th grades as of Jan. 01, 2022, and living in Arkansas may enter. Home-schooled students may also enter. Entries must be approved by the county Extension agent. Each contestant must agree to participate in the state cook-off if his or her recipe is selected for the semifinals.
Sevier County’s contest will be held at the Adam’s Building of the UA Cossatot on Monday, March 14, 2022. Dishes may be dropped off between 7am and 9am. Judging will begin at 9am. Contestants will not be allowed in the room during judging; however, you will be notified after judging is complete. If you have any questions, please call the Sevier County Extension Office at 870-584-3013. For a full list of rules, please visit https://www.arfb.com.
4-H Outdoor County O’Rama 2021
Sevier County 4-H held their annual Outdoor County 4-H O’Rama. Due to COVID, the Outdoor O’Rama was held over various dates in March. The competitive events included gun safety and BB gun marksmanship, reel into sports fishing, and bicycle. The winners of these events will be eligible to compete at the District 4-H O’Rama that’s held in June.
Even though it was a COVID year, 42 4-H’ers competed, which broke the record for the highest number of participants. Winners from each competition are as follows:

Gun Safety and BB Gun – JUNIORS: 1st – Drake Click, 2nd – Jake Seymour, 3rd –Ty Wagner, 4th – Charlie Collins, and 5th – Kaedon Davis. SENIORS: 1st – Hunter Frachiseur, 2nd – Ethan Wolcott, 3rd – Laikyn Morris, 4th – Brayden Frachiseur, and 5th – Kinlee Stivers.
Reel into Sports Fishing – JUNIORS: 1st – Landon Frachiseur, 2nd – Drake Click, 3rd – Pace Frachiseur, 4th – Jake Seymour, and 5th – Keegan McCoy. SENIORS: 1st – Hunter Frachiseur, 2nd – Brayden Frachiseur, 3rd – Ethan Wolcott, 4th – Kinlee Stivers, and 5th – Laikyn Morris
Bicycle – JUNIORS: 1st – Blair Bissell, 2nd – James Bartek, 3rd – Keegan McCoy, 4th– Wade Melton, and 5th – Libbie Bartek. SENIORS: 1st – Dori Bartek.
For more information on 4-H, contact Sevier County Extension Service at (870) 584-3013.
4-H’ers Compete in Chicken BBQ Cookoff

Sevier County 4-H held their annual Chicken BBQ on March 25. They had 41 kids competing for a chance to go on to District 4-H BBQ. Each 4-H’er cooked a whole chicken, cut in half, on a charcoal grill. The 4-H’er could use the seasoning of their choice. They were judged on how well they could start a charcoal fire, control the fire, food safety and handling, and how well they cooked the chicken. When the chicken was done, they picked their best half to be judged on appearance, color, doneness, and taste.
Richard Pearce and Steve McDougal from Tyson Foods and Jerry Ligon and Joey Shaver from Brothers Keepers MC 34 judged the competition. Tyson Foods also made a donation to 4-H which was used to purchase chicken for the contest.
The top ten 4-H’ers will compete at the District Poultry BBQ that will be held at the Clark County Fairgrounds in Arkadelphia on May 2. They will be given the choice to cook either a chicken or a turkey breast.
The cloverbuds, ages 5 to 8 years old, that participated in the BBQ were Sunni Mason, Rustin Frachiseur, Leighton Frachiseur, RJ Smith, Caselyn VanVoast, Kyleigh Midgett, Halton Smith, Kase Smith, and Izabella Nelson; while they aren’t old enough to compete at district level, this is a great way to get started in grilling.
The top 10 winners were: Kix Lee, Laikyn Morris, Raylee VanVoast, Kaedon Davis, Brady Haarmeyer, Gavin Carver, Alley Stinson, Trey Mason, Amber Morris, and Raegon Frachiseur. If for some reason they aren’t able to attend the district competition, the alternates, Kaydee Cowling, Bella Baker, Evan Frachiseur, and Kate Baker, will fill in.
Photo by Janet Cantrell
Dairy Foods Contest

The Sevier County Extension Office held the annual Dairy Foods Contest last month which is sponsored by Arkansas Farm Bureau. The two categories available in which to compete were main dish and party dish. Youth presented their previously prepared dish, along with the recipe. They were judged on presentation, taste, difficulty, and the diary ingredient they used.
The winner in the main dish category was Evan Wolcott. Wolcott prepared a Keto Shephard’s Pie that he prepares at home for his family. Wolcott said he chose this dish because he loves the cheddar cheese and cream cheese that he uses to make it.
The winner in the party dish category was Kinlee Stivers. Stivers prepared a Sophia Cheesecake from a recipe that she received from a friend. Stivers stated that she simply loves food and would serve the cheesecake with ice cream and cherries.
The top winner from each category had their recipe submitted to the Arkansas Dairy Foods Contest to be held in Little Rock. This annual event is sponsored during June Dairy Month by Arkansas Farm Bureau and the Arkansas Dairy Cooperative Association.
Our local Sevier County Extension Homemakers Club (EHC) members Catherine Smith, Iris Saylor, Judy Vann-Hamilton, and Terrie Jacobs judged the contest.
The University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture offers all its Extension and Research programs and services without regard to race, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, age, disability, marital or veteran status, genetic information, or any other legally protected status, and is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
Photo by Kim Frachiseur
Learning Real Life Skills
A room full of 4-H’ers and parents turned out on March 19 at the Adams Building at UA Cossatot in De Queen to learn some real life skills. Janet Cantrell, County Extension Agent-Family and Consumer Sciences (CEA-FCS), taught 4-H’ers how to sort, wash, dry, and fold laundry. She explained what the symbols in your clothing represent and talked about how to care for your clothing. The children had fun sorting themselves into groups, colored clothes or white clothes, according to the clothes they were wearing.

Monte Bartek, president of the 4-H Leaders Association, talked about the different kinds of trees and demonstrated how to plant trees. He showed the kids what a “J” root and an “L” root looks like and how to avoid these problems in planting. Each 4-H’er got to try their hand at planting a pine tree.
For more information on 4-H or about joining a 4-H club, you may call the Sevier County Extension office at (870) 584-3013.
The University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture offers all its Extension and Research programs and services without regard to race, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, age, disability, marital or veteran status, genetic information, or any other legally protected status, and is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
Photo by Dana Stringfellow
4-H Outdoor County O’Rama
Sevier County 4-H held their annual Outdoor County 4-H O’Rama on February 18. The competitive events included gun safety and BB gun marksmanship, reel into sports fishing, and bicycle. .

The winners of these events will be eligible to compete at the District 4-H O’Rama that’s held in June. Even though it was a cold day, 46 4-H’ers showed up to compete. Winners from each competition are as follows:
GUN SAFETY AND BB GUN: Juniors: 1st – Gavin Carver, 2nd – Brayden Frachiseur, 3rd – James Bartek, 4th– McKenzie Simpson, and 5th – Jake Martin. Seniors: 1st – Attalee Frachiseur, 2nd – Marcus Rosson, 3rd – Hunter Frachiseur, 4th – Amber Morris, and 5th– Alec Frachiseur.
REEL INTO SPORTS FISHING: Juniors: 1st – Brayden Frachiseur, 2nd – Zae-Lei Frachiseur, and 3rd – Landon Frachiseur, 4th – Evin Frachiseur, and 5th – Kaedon Davis. Seniors: 1st – Marcus Rosson, 2nd – Alec Frachiseur, 3rd – Madison Bagley, 4th – Ethan Wolcott, and 5th – Hunter Frachiseur.
BICYCLE: Juniors: 1st – James Bartek, 2nd – Dori Bartek, and 3rd – Reagan Frachiseur, 4th – Bella Baker, and 5th – Jake Martin. Senior: 1st – Lexy Rosson
If you would like more information about 4-H and how to join, please contact the Sevier County Extension office at (870) 584-3013.