Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Celebrating our Heros

Veterans Day is an official United States public holiday, observed annually on November 11, that honors military veterans who served in any branch of the United States Armed Forces.    It was created to mark the anniversary of the end of World War I.   Major hostilities of World War I were formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, when the Armistice with Germany went into effect. The United States previously observed Armistice Day. The U.S. holiday was renamed Veterans Day in 1954.

Our troops have fought in major conflicts, including World Wars I and II, Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, and the Iraq and Afghan Wars. They fought in smaller actions around the world, such as Somalia, Bosnia, and Grenada. They deserve our thanks on Veterans Day and on every day of the year.

“On Veterans Day, put out your flags, cheer the marchers at parades, and go to tributes.  But when you wake up the next day… remember that it’s still Veterans Day for our veterans — and it will be every day of their lives.”                           — Gen. Colin L. Powell, USA (Ret.)

This page made possible by these sponsors:

Smith & Mounts Real Estate ~ Southwest Arkansas Electric Cooperative ~ Senator Jimmy Hickey ~ Rich Mountain Electric ~ Curtis Body Shop ~ Dorsey Heat & Air

We would LOVE to post a picture of your veteran on this page.

Just e-mail a picture along with name, branch of service, war or conflict to numberonecountry@yahoo.com or stop by our studios at 921 West Collin Raye Drive in De Queen between 7 am & 4 pm week days and we will scan your photo or snap a picture of you.

The following photos were featured in the De Queen Lions Club 2011 Salute to Veterans Calendar.  Photos used by permission.

Korean Conflict

Robert "Bob" Kellums served in the Army, 187th Airborne Infantry Regiment "Rakkasans" in the Korean Conflict.

Dale Janes


He joined the US Navy in November 1944. He was still in electronics training when the atomic bombs ended WWII in the Pacific. he completed his service and use the GI bill to go to college and get an engineering degree.

Coleman McRae


Drafted in April 1944, Coleman served under Gen. Geore Patton. He had been in Europe oly four months when a sniper's bullet hit him in the neck. He spent 11 months in a hospital in Missouri before he returned home to Sevier County.

Loy Poag

US Army-WWII - Gen. Patton's Third Army

He was a member of the field artillery and fought in the Battle of the Bulge when it began. He survived several close calls, including a motar explosion that sent him to a field hospital. Poag said his feet were frozen in the brutal winter cold and he also got to meet Gen. Patton.

Dave Lynch

US Navy - WWII Pearl Harbor Survivor

(Pictured left) Lynch was a machinist on the USS Whitney when the Japanese attached Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941. His ship was not hit in the attack and he went on to serve on 5 ships over a 20-year Navy Career 1941-1960.

Herman Jackson

Pictured left is his brother Claude, Herman's hitch in the Navy took him all over the South Pacific during WWII. His ship, the USS John Rodgers, landed troops in Guam, Okinawa and Iwo Jima. Later the ship escorted soldiers into Tokoyo. After leaving the Navy in 1946, he went back home to Booneville, AR and a bank job. He moved to De Queen in and worked at First National Bank until he retired in 1987.

J.D. Bartlett


Bartlett parlayed a skill learned from the US Navy into a career as a medical lab technician. After he was discharged, JD returned to school at Horatio and finished the last three years of high school in one year. He worked at De Queen Clinic as a lab technician for 42 years.

Loyd Elliott

US Air Force

During his 21 1/2 years of service, LP was stationed in 19 different countries and served one tour of duty in Korea and two tours in Vietnam. He ended his Air force career at Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana where he was transportation superintendent.

Robert Miller

US Army

Robert served April 1944-May 1946. He fought in the Battle of the Bulge before he was wounded and spent 90 days in an English hospital. He was in combat for 41 days. He returned to the war for limited duty as a truck driver and saw seven countries.

Ruel Archer


He was decorated with the Purple Heart & Bronze Star in WWII. Archer survived a chilly plunge into the English Channel on Christmas eve 1944, when his ship was torpedoed by a German submarine. The USS Leopoldville was hit at the waterline and sank. He caught some shrapnel during another attach. A radio operator, he called in the position of enemy artillery and enabled US artillery to silence the enemy's guns.

Rusty Durham

US Marine Corps-WWII & Korea

O.H. "Rusty" served in US Marine Corps in two wars. During WWII, his travels took him to the Caribbean, Marianas, Saipan, Okinawa and, finally, the occupation of Japan. He was among the American soldiers who entered Nagasaki after the atomic bomb was deployed. He was recalled to active service during the Korean War and served as an instructor in the United States. He later served 12 years as Sevier County Judge.

Ivy and Eldo Roberts


These cousins both served during WWII. Ivy spent three years as a gunner in the Pacific fleet. Eldo only served one year, one month and one day. When he was drafted, he was married with two children. But with the war winding down, he did not go overseas.

Donald Farrow


1950-1953 Korean Conflict

John Tidwell


Matt Corley

US Army E-4

5 Generations of Service

(Standing left) Lacey Corley, US Army E-2; (Flags) Great-Great Grandfather Milton Downs E-4 US Army WWI machine gun battalion in France; Great Grandfather M.C. Frachiseur E-5 US Army Aircorp WWII Okinawa; Great Grandfather Erwin Anderson US Army E-6, WWII, Korea & Vietnam; Grandfather Roger Corley US Navy E-5, Vietnam; (Standing right) Father Matt Corley, US Army -E4

Jesse Jefferson Cashion Jr


James Earl Logan

US Army

Mack A. Smith

U.S. Army


R. B. Young

US Army


James Overturf


Jeff Overturf

National Guard

Doyle Johnson

US Army 1942-1945


Roy B. Taylor

PFC - US Army

June 7, 1956 - June 6, 195

Math C. Frachiseur

US Army Air Corp E-5


J. Wallace Bunyard

Merchant Marines


William Elory Sharp

US Navy Medical Corp


Oren J. Lindly

US Army Paratrooper


David E. Frachiseur

US Army


Jay W. Lindly, Jr.

US Marines

Currently serving

James J Eakin

Us Navy

Currently serving

Walter Lenard Smith (Center)

US Army


Alvie Evans

US Army


John Oliver

US Army


Gerald T Ernest

US Navy 1940-1960

Chief Yeoman

Tom Ernest

US Navy OM2 1967-1971

Submarine Squadron 16

John Ernest

US Marine Corps 1991-1995

Lance Corporal

Rodney Young

US Army 1969-2007

Command Sergeant Major

Charles Loftin

US Army - 20 years of service


Joe Compagna

US Air Force 1952-1972

Master Sergeant

Mike Walker

US Navy 1946-1968


Grady Finney


1968-1969 Vietnam

Joe Lovell

US Army 1965-1967


SSG Thomas McDonald

Hershel Janes

US Army 1969-1971


Claude T. Dorsey

US Army

WWI Two Purple Hearts

Lyde B. Williams. Sr.

US Army


James F. Williams

US Army


Roger Tolison

US Marine Corps


Tony Spigner

US Navy 1948-1952


We would LOVE to post a picture of your veteran on this page.


Just e-mail a picture along with name, branch of service, war or conflict to numberonecountry@yahoo.com or stop by our studios at 921 West Collin Raye Drive in De Queen between 7 am & 4 pm week days and we will scan your photo.